القائمة الرئيسية


Loneliness this causes the most important steps disposal



Loneliness is a universal human feeling and what is complex and unique for everyone and because this feeling is not common signs and causes it to prevent or cure it depends upon the way each person and what causes in a unit and to understand what's the unit, we must have considered close to what may cause in the sense of unity, and what it means exactly and how we treat them.

What is a sense of unity?

That unit is a real sense if you feel unit so that you are not only human who was only recalled a 2014 study published that one out of ten members feel that they have no one close friend and is the thing that breaks some 4.7 million people this is no high-of and sad. And that what's hard on the feeling is that it differs from one individual to another its for some people, for example, would prefer to have a few friends or enjoy spending much time on their own and in terms of others may cause the same possibilities to create a deep sense of the unit and isolation.

That sense of unit it may have a serious impact on the right by psychological and brain for example that exposure to feeling chronic unit which may lead to a higher risk of death for the result in heart disease and could weaken the immunohistochemical and lead to less healthy meals such as vegetables. The sense of his unit had also abused your sleep and increased the risk of injury to dementia in advanced stages of life and may contribute to an early death.

The reasons for feeling his unit:

Some of the reasons that make individuals feel unit by the following:

1-Need convergence:

His coach described relations  unit it's kind of way, where he said: "If my relationship with an individual does not contain an element of convergence, they tend to that makes me feel more isolation most of his unit."

In this saying a lot of sense because there's traditional Mukul that people who feel the unit he felt it because they are hiding themselves from society and refuse to socialize with others, although there are a lot of people who spend a lot of time on their own feel unit but saying so trivial it may be very harmful because there's a lot of people with social practice chief and who feel unit as well.

2. Need a lot of good relations and is not a lot by relations:

of the most important steps to overcome the unit is such a move you may still be able to command a lot of friends and still felt the unit where you can have a million friends but if you put a little time and energy in those relationships, you will continue to feel his unit. When it comes to relationships is associated with feelings and not a number.

Of course, the development of keywords is a two-way process it is not about being near someone attached to all your problems but deals that are developing a relationship and create aMNF he shared. And remember that close friends cannot resolve your problems but they can support what they need and also, your role is to support them at a time of their need for you. As well as you must remember that it is not just because you are ready to develop your relationship with an individual, he would want in that too, not everyone interested in taking on a relationship is close by.

4. Be careful high-of:

are likely to be surrounded by people who do not want to to get the new friend or close a relationship and is also possible that you take care and so do not send clear signals to your desire to communicate and form a link.

Of course there's no person who wants to think of himself as is the story but it is always good to take the step back to see what it is probabilistic by your participation in this position, so in the social attitudes make eye contact and listen carefully and make sure that your body language suggests your interest in talking.

There were several ways that you can show others that you are interested in what they do, and share with you the following, they'll which are also the participation of ideas, your opinions and feelings may be a scary thing but if you want to form a bond with others, you must start somewhere.

5. spent a lot of time on social media:

The social networking sites are based on appearances and expectations and if you're already feeling the unit or isolation, it is difficult was it that everyone enjoys a good time without you

6. Feared proximity:

In some cases may be the guy who looks as if the social person who's the guy who is his fear of rejection and all of the move away from it.

And for rapprochement with others and stop the grief you must allow individuals to see your truth and must be brave on the stairs by enough to doom behind relations that want it even if it did not succeed in some cases.

7. to be on the past:

  Sometimes you just get a sense of the unit without to understand why this feeling this is the result is that you've been involved in the past. Maybe you're a child or a single shy or a pariah in the teacher and despite the fact that as an adult and now the social but you still on, that sense of the unit as it's been in the past. Or maybe be wound back is what prevents you from forge relationships that need it now in order to feel the better feeling.

8. treatment unit by a sense:

 The doctor can physiology that helps in understanding the emotions you feel or the things that prohibit you from mixing with others and forming new relationships.

   You can overcome this unit through more effort you to bring about change and to bring about change in the long term might make you happy and truer and gives you the extent of influence from around in a positive way.

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